
Lori Niles-Hofmann

Co-Founder, NilesNolen

Toronto, Canadá

El futuro de A&D como socio estratégico
07/06/2023 15:40 UTC
07/06/2023 09:40 America/Costa_Rica
07/06/2023 09:40 America/Mexico_City
07/06/2023 10:40 America/Bogota
07/06/2023 11:40 America/Santiago
07/06/2023 12:40 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
07/06/2023 17:40 Europe/Madrid
07/06/2023 16:40 Europe/Lisbon
Zona horaria
  • UTC
  • America/Costa_Rica
  • America/Mexico_City
  • America/Bogota
  • America/Santiago
  • America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires
  • Europe/Madrid
  • Europe/Lisbon
20 min.
Día 1 / Sala 1


It might feel as though the robots are taking over but as new technologies emerge there is an acute need for new skills to replace old ones. L&D must become leverage the new tools to become a true business partner or be left behind. This session will cover future trends in EdTech and what a data-driven ecosystem might look like in the next five years.

Puede parecer que los robots están tomando el control, pero a medida que surgen nuevas tecnologías, existe una gran necesidad de nuevas habilidades para reemplazar las antiguas. L&D debe aprovechar las nuevas herramientas para convertirse en un verdadero socio comercial o quedarse atrás. Esta sesión cubrirá las tendencias futuras en EdTech y cómo podría ser un ecosistema basado en datos en los próximos cinco años.

Lori Niles-Hofmann

Lori is a senior learning strategist with 25 years of L&D experience across many industries, including international banking (Scotiabank, Bank of Montreal, RBC), management consulting (KPMG), and marketing.

Her specialization is large-scale digital learning transformations. She is passionate about helping companies navigate through the ambiguity of change and act as a trusted adviser to Fortune 500 CLOs around the world.
